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Meet Our Residents
Our Donkeys

Ronan is our beautiful Irish boy, when Ronan was rescued he was not in good shape not any more, he loves attention and is very vocal and will soon let you know if he wants a cuddle....or a carrot!

Cute Little Billy is our oldest donkey, she is a little sweet gentle girl and you will always find Billy with her best friend Pepe, they share a very close bond. She will always hang back from the other donkeys for an extra treat.

Ringo is one of our quieter donkeys, he looks very similar to Ronan but he has a very laid back attitude and personality, a lovely gentle character he loves having a roll in the sunshine.

Kyle is one of our easiest donkeys to recognise, he is a big chunky boy with a very soft and gentle attitude, he can also be very lazy! but he is such a good well behaved boy and loves a carrot and a cuddle.

Wherever Billy is you will find Pepe, he is a gentle lovely boy who will protect Billy wherever she goes from curious males. They share a very close bond, Pepe loves nothing more than basking in the sun with Billy then in for a groom, hay and carrots.

Our little cutie Arabella was rescued from a horse market in very poor condition, it took a lot of love & medication to get her back on her feet, fortunately under our care she is fully rehabilitated, she is adorable & loves a cuddle, she is followed everywhere by her adoring son Bolt, who she keeps in line when he is being naughty!

Bolt, born in 2017 and named after Usain Bolt when we discovered his love of running! he is such a loveable rogue, he is mainly found (when he is not causing mischief) with his Mum Arabella who he adores, and who soon pulls him into line when he is misbehaving!

Legend is easy to spot he is all black and really stands out in the herd, he is tall and athletic and has a very distinctive bray, you can normally find him at the front of the herd trying to get first dibs on the carrots or chaff!

Patrick is a very chilled out boy, who loves hanging around with his best friend Ringo, he soon appears when carrots or ginger nuts are about!

Beautiful Tallulah is an elegant tall donkey, she is travelled all the way from Ireland to come to our sanctuary, we didn't know until she arrived that she was with foal and not long after Elvis was born! She is a gentle giant who loves nothing more than a cuddle and a fuss.

Our lovely lady Minky can often be found with Billy & Pepe or her daughter Sienna who looks just like her mum, poor Minky has a dip in her back from being ridden too young before we rescued her, so she is easy to spot, but she now lives out her days being loved and cared for and sneaked an extra carrot or two when the others aren't looking.

Elvis, The daddy of the herd, is our biggest boy, and the son of Tallulah born here at the sanctuary, he also managed to get into one of the paddocks when the girls were in season so is proud father to Bolt and Frankie!

Frankie was born at the sanctuary and the son of Elvis, he was born quite poorly and it took a lot of love and care to get him well, he is now the picture of health and is very loving and gentle. He is an excellent big brother to his sister Sienna.

Sienna is the daughter of Minky and looks very like her mum, she is never far from her mum and brother Frankie who she loves playing with in the sunshine!

Fernando came to us in 2016 after his owner couldn't afford to geld him, we were able to fund his veterinary fees. He is the scaredy cat of the gang and is often close to his best pal Kyle who he has a close bond with.
Our Ponies





Smarty Pants
Our Horses




Summer & Cherry




Big Al




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